I saw a restlessness in people as they begin the year. I saw people wanting to hear God, wanting to “connect” with Him but unable to do so because of an internal restlessness; it looks like an inability to focus on conversations with God, to have time in His Presence, and to draw anything significant […]
Denise Padayachee
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3 messages for the Body of Christ, received from angelic visitations
On the morning of 9 March 2022 at 04h56 and 05h12, I was visited by two angels/ messengers from God, one after the other. It was load shedding and though I normally wake up quite easily in the mornings, I could not do so on this morning and I felt very overwhelmed and a bit […]
Wrestling old stuff
One of the tactics of the enemy is to get you wrestling old stuff. The lies come in subtle and slow, catching you off-guard, building brick-upon-brick, familiar and yet veiled. So well layered that you think it is your stuff and you begin to wrestle with it. The wrestling though is not so much with […]
Get hope again, get vision again
I woke up from a dream this morning 15/01/2022, that had a clear message addressed to apostolic leaders: get hope again, get vision (sight) again. These three remain: faith, hope and love. Apostolic leaders are meant to be some of heaven’s best hope bringers/carriers. When they become cynical or pessimistic and fail to bring hope, […]
A letter to a creative
Dear Creative I have been pondering firstly, the concept of creativity and how closely it is linked to our being image-bearers of the Creator. And secondly, the fears people grapple with in creating because of the way society reacts or responds. One of the blockages to creating is that so much of what we create […]
Here are some things that are on my heart as we navigate this season and bring to a close the 3 day global fast. 1. It is finished. When Christ died and rose again His victory was full and complete. We are that generation long spoken of whose lives get to testify to that Truth. […]
Truth-Tellers part 2: when self-righteousness masquerades as truth
Have you ever seen self-righteousness masquerade as truth-telling? There’s a strange habit you might have noticed among some believers who respond “with truth” to anything that is said in the negative, or that even slightly fails to reflect glistening hope, or that displays your brokenness. The “truth” comes as a glib correction with phrases like […]
Truth tellers and miracle workers
When Jesus said, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you,” (John 6:53-58) it highly offended many of His followers who did not understand what He was saying or what it meant. In that culture the drinking of blood was hugely offensive and […]
An enemy scheme to wear you out
Several conversations that I’ve had recently and an impression that I saw, made me aware of an age-old enemy strategy at play on a broad scale yet again to exhaust believers. Again and again his plan A seems to be to attack the root of faith in us because if our faith is shaken then […]
When God puts someone on your mind
This is so cool; I’ve recently had quite a few people message me and say they’ve been thinking of me because a picture of my face pops into their mind. I enjoy that God is putting me on people’s minds or hearts, its a sign of His love and that He is moving on my […]