When God puts someone on your mind
This is so cool; I’ve recently had quite a few people message me and say they’ve been thinking of me because a picture of my face pops into their mind. I enjoy that God is putting me on people’s minds or hearts, its a sign of His love and that He is moving on my behalf, but I also really like that more and more people are being drawn into conversations with God.
I want to use this as an example to share a bit about how this works. It’s pretty cool because when that happens (a picture of someone pops into your mind or you are reminded of them or you have them on your heart) it’s usually God reminding you of that person for a reason. He is also drawing you into a conversation with Him (prophecy and intercession). It’s a double-whammy God set up!
Here’s what you do when a picture of someone’s face pops into your mind:
1. Ask God why He is reminding you of that person. Often it’s that person who you are meant to pray for or assist in some way, sometimes though that person that you think of is only a representation of something else (a type of person, a group of people, an organisation etc etc).
2. If He gives you an inkling of why He brought that person to your mind then lean into the conversation with God and ask Him for more information and direction. He might give you a verse or a picture. If it will be something encouraging, strengthening or comforting then you can share that privately with the person. If you see something concerning or negative then don’t share that, as that is not usually helpful and can even be damaging, rather just intercede for the person concerning what you feel God showed you. Be a secret keeper.
If you are unsure about all of this and need more help with prophecy – I’m thinking about running a beginner’s prophetic training again in March and it will help you so keep a look out for that. You can read more about it here.
To sum this point up: If the result of the person popping into you mind is prophecy – you want to make sure it is encouraging, strengthening or comforting. If not just keep praying only and don’t share anything yet.
3. Often God may not show you anything for the person or tell you why they popped into your mind – in this instance pray in tongues (your spirit language). He is inviting you into the exciting realm of co-labouring in spirit-prayer! I will often see a person’s face and then “carry” them in the Spirit as I pray in tongues and when it is complete and I’ve partnered with Holy Spirit I’ll feel a release and I’ll know it’s done. Sometimes I tell the person they were on my heart and I prayed for them, sometimes I don’t. Either way it’s accomplished in the Spirit.
When you pray in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit makes intercession through you – and wow He sure knows what intercession to make! Enjoy co-labouring with Him. Often in this way you intercede for that person’s protection, provision, healing, miracle or breakthrough. No-one may ever know on earth but oh how exciting it shall be when you hear in heaven of all the amazing things you have been a part of in service to others through spirit-prayer!
4. If you feel the release then you know your work there is done, and you can move on. If you don’t feel a release yet ask Holy Spirit if there is some other way you can assist/serve/help/encourage the person that He has put on your mind. This is glorious Kingdom work as we the Body of Christ partner together, serve each other in prayer and in deed, and build each other up.
I hope that helps. Enjoy the journey! And thanks to the awesome people who have been praying for me and to Holy Spirit!
Look out for a possible beginners prophetic training in March (it’s on the radar!) and if you have foundations in the prophetic already, come join the School of the Prophetic long weekend away in April as we go deeper in….waaaay deeper.
Derrick David
February 8, 2020 @ 7:25 pm
Hi Denise… Truly a blessing to read through your teaching. Regards Derrick kzn
January 7, 2021 @ 8:12 am
Hello Denise,
Thanks so much for your advice on prayer, I have just had the most supernatural and beautiful breakthrough. I am having visions and pictures put in my mind, I can talk to God and actually feel him talking back to me. It is so amazing, I feel like I’m in a dream or a film like the wizard of oz lol. It’s Crazy but beautiful x
Marla Manuma
April 9, 2021 @ 11:36 am
I really enjoyed your teaching. Thank you and GodBless You.
Denise Padayachee
April 19, 2022 @ 2:12 pm
Thank you I am glad to hear it has blessed you Marla!
September 9, 2021 @ 8:27 pm
I was truly blessed with this information.
Denise Padayachee
April 19, 2022 @ 2:12 pm
I am glad to hear this Daphne!